Eagles Club Victoria Aerie and Auxiliary 12

Activities at other Aeries

Island Zone Conference 2025

Hello Brothers and Sisters:


Island Zone Conference will be on March 8 and 9, 2025 at Ladysmith Aerie #2101.

All activities will take place at the Ladysmith Aerie, 921 First Avenue, Ladysmith, B.C.

Registration is available on Saturday and Sunday.  Registration cost for Auxiliary is $5.00.  Registration for the Aerie is normally free but cost has not decided by the Aerie if there will be a cost.

Ritual will be on Saturday for both the Aerie and Auxiliary.  Please ensure that you have your registration forms in on time.


For accommodations:

Microtel:  Special rate of $150.00

Temperance Hotel (new downtown Ladysmith): 1-778-268-2216.

There are several Bed and Breakfasts in the area.  As well, there are several members who have spare rooms that are willing to put up our out of town guests.  Some of them are pretty good cooks too! 


Courtesy cars will be available for the Saturday evening.


There will be a dinner and entertainment in the lounge on Saturday night.  Dinner is $15.00.  Entertainment is Tom Morrissey who is a wonderful East Coast Entertainer who will have you clapping and singing along.


Further details will be arriving shortly.




People Helping Pantries

People Helping Pantries. That’s us. Millions of people around the United States and Canada go hungry every day. Our Grand Worthy President and Grand Madam President  are asking everyone to make a difference by dropping off non-perishable food items to the Aerie and Auxiliary nearest you in support of a local food bank. Help us help the millions in need by making a donation.

Encourage residents in your community to bring non-perishable food items to the Aerie or at a location of your choosing (should space not allow at the Aerie). Plan additional events to coincide with the food drive and utilize the festivities to act as a membership tool.